Your Local Water Blasting And Soft Washing Specialists

Servicing Wanaka, Queenstown, and everywhere in between.

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Water blasting and surface cleaning

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Water Blasting

We offer a range of water blasting services for homes and commercial properties. Remove dirt, grime, mold, lichen, and stains from your building, house, pathways and patios.

Soft Washing

Soft washing is an excellent way to clean large areas, and surfaces that require a more gentle approach to clean your building or house.


Moss and Lichen Treatments

Moss and Lichen spraying and prevention for roofs and other areas. Clean away moss and lichen build up and keep it at bay with a yearly spray.

Oamaru Stone Cleaning and Sealing

We specialise in Oamaru stone cleaning & sealing. This is important and necessary maintenance to keep your Oamaru stone looking it's best and protecting it from weather.